Central Ballard residents have organized and launched a new community association. Titled the Central Ballard Residents Association (CBRA), it is the association's mission to provide a forum for all residents in Central Ballard and promote livability in the neighborhood’s historic core.
Today, a small group of Central Ballard residents announced the launch of a new community association to represents all residents of Central Ballard. The Central Ballard Residents Association (CBRA) will provide a forum for residents in Central Ballard and promote livability in the neighborhood’s historic core.
“Our main goal is to provide a forum to ensure that the resident community is involved in issues that affect it,” said Michael Kahrs, President of CBRA, in a press release. ”As longtime central Ballard residents, we wish to talk with our fellow residents about community issues which concern them, and provide community input on issues which affect our members.”
Taking guidance from the urban core as defined by the city of Seattle, the Association will welcome residence between 28th and 15th Avenue N.W. and N.W. 65th Street to the water.
In a phone interview Kahrs said that being actively involved is a fairly new experience for him but he saw a need for a collective voice for the residents of Central Ballard.
“Ballard has been changing at a tremendous rate and no one seems to be steeping up to talk about some of the issues involved with that growth," he said.
The association has identified the following items as initial areas of interest and concern:
· Housing development
· Retail and commercial development
· Human Services
· Housing affordability
· Crime prevention and safety
· Parks, open spaces, and environment
The first two standing committees formed at the Association Board’s inaugural meeting are the Land Use and Development Committee and the Human Services Committee. These committees were formed to advise the CBRA Board and membership about issues impacting residents of central Ballard and to make recommendations to the Association Board about advocating for the membership’s position. Other committees will be formed as community interest dictates.
After its first meeting, the Association will apply for a seat on the Ballard District Council alongside similar organizations like the Sunset Hill Community Association and the East Ballard Community Association.
But first Kahr said they want to hear from the community and do a general inquiry to see which issues and concerns they would like to see addressed.
“We are a membership organization open to every central Ballard resident,” said Martha Dilts, Vice President of CBRA. “We want your voice to be heard."
The Association's first membership meeting which will be held on February 16, at 7 p.m. at the main conference room at Swedish Hospital, 5300 Tallman Ave N.W.