"Girls Fight Night Out!" is a fundraiser hosted by Lee's Martial Arts Academy, 3270 California Ave. SW, 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. It is headed by Lee's Lisa Skvarla, self-defense expert and chair of the American Women's Self-Defense Association, to help fund "The Collectibles," a new, Seattle-based comedy Web series that will be launched in early April. The above Superheroes star in the show.
Girls Fight Night Out! is a fundraiser hosted by Lee's Martial Arts Academy, 3270 California Ave. SW, 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m, March 8.
$30 through Brown Paper Tickets. Tickets must be purchased ahead of time.
The fundraiser is headed by Lee's Lisa Skvarla, self-defense expert and chair of the American Women's Self-Defense Association, to help fund "The Collectibles," a new, Seattle-based comedy Web series that will be launched in early April. Skvarla plays a lead character "Ultrafemme", in the comedy, a sort of "Star Trek meets The Office" spoof.
We have featured Lisa Skvarla here.
We have also featured Skvarla and The Collectibles here.
Girls Fight Night Out! will feature a one-hour self-defense class taught by Skvarla.
Featured guests for your "shopping entertainment" include:
Sophie Gardner – Jewelry
Lindy Taylor – Purses constructed from Napa and Italian leather
Pam Gilworth – AdvoCare, a health and wellness company offering energy, weight-loss, nutrition and sports performance products.
Also food, cocktails, raffles and a sneak-peek preview of the upcoming Web series.
The Collectibles superhero "Super Star", Brian Sutherland, also stars in "All My Presidents" filmed on North Admiral recently. He is a former West Seattle and Ballard resident.
The Collectibles co-writer/director/producer (with Dan Heinrich) is Todd Downing of West Seattle and is also with Twelfth Night. His wife Raechelle is the line producer for The Collectibles.
More info on the event's Facebook page here