You can qualify for a contract worth up to $7000 if you have an idea that will inspire the community to take action for the climate. The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment is seeking partnerships with community groups or neighborhood-based organizations to get people involved to take action to make Seattle cleaner, greener, and healthier.
They are looking for applications in four categories:
- Transportation
- Energy
- Food
- Waste
and will be providing on-going project design support.
To get started visit to learn more or download a proposal form.
It must be submitted by April 27, no later than 4:00 pm.
You can email it to, FAX it to 206-684-3013 or send it via mail to PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA 98124-4729
You can also call Sara Wysocki with questions at 206-233-7014
Applications are due by April 27, 2012.