West Seattle celebrates the opening of the Southwest Pool, Teen Life Center, Neighborhood Service Center
Fri, 04/13/2012
press release:
The community is invited to the Southwest Pool, Teen Life Center and Neighborhood Service Center dedication on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 from 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 2801 SW Thistle St.
This is an opportunity to come and explore all the services and programs offered at this joint facility, ranging from the Women of the World Swim program to the Teen Late Night Recreation Program to a location to get your passport or connect with the Department of Neighborhoods District Coordinators.
The official ribbon cutting starts at 11:30 a.m. with a welcome from EuropaKids International Preschool, followed by a Zumba demonstration in the Teen Life Center, tours of the building and information about all the services and programs offered at this facility. During this day the pool is offering a free adult swim from 12 -1:30 p.m., an opportunity to watch a water fitness class in progress from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. and free public and teen swim from 3 – 4 p.m.
In the 2012 operating budget, the City Council approved the use of the facilities for four community uses: A neighborhood service center, a Teen Life Center, office space for the Department of Neighborhoods’ South Region District Coordinators, and the pool.
The Southwest Neighborhood Service Center provides a variety of city-related services that range from paying utility bills and parking tickets to purchasing pet licenses and applying for passports. Neighborhood Service Center customer service representatives also provide information about and referrals to other services and programs, including help with paying utility bills. The Southwest Neighborhood Service Center is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; passport applications are accepted until 5 p.m. each of these days.
Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Teen Life Center offers a wide array of programming to youth in southwest from a Lifeguard Certification Preparation Class, to a cooking class to Music Literacy 101 Program. Last year the Southwest Teen Life Center increased participation by 43% and had over 7600 participants in the Late Night Program. There is a Teen Life Center in each city region, north, central and south.
The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ South Region Neighborhood District Coordinators -- Ed Pottharst, Yun Pitre, and Steve Louie -- will also work out of this new location. This team works to engage and support community members in south Seattle neighborhoods and connects with dozens of community organizations on a wide range of projects and issues. They focus on encouraging community involvement, helping with neighborhood improvement efforts, and serving as a liaison for the city and community.
The Southwest Pool reopens after a three-week closure for preventive maintenance. The pool is open seven days a week and offers a variety of swimming activities for fun and fitness. Amenities at the pool include showers, a therapy spa and a sauna.
For more information on programs and services please contact:
· Southwest Teen Life Center: Jeron Gates, 206-255-4051 or jeron.gates@seattle.gov.
· Southwest Pool: Diane Jones or Nancy Eisner, 206-684-7440 .
· Neighborhood Service Center: Rolanda Carriere, 206-233-3730 or rolanda.carriere@seattle.gov
· Neighborhood District Coordinators: Yun Pitre, Steve Louie; or Ed Pottharst at 206-615-0494.
· EuropaKids International Preschool: Nicole Chaudry, 206-708-5784