Vietnamese Cultural Center Director Lee Ducly Bui invites the public to the 37th Candle Light Vigil at the center located at 2236 SW Orchard St., across the street from Home Depot near Delridge, West Seattle.
From Vietnamese Cultural Center Director Lee Ducly Bui:
You and family is invited to the 37th Candle Light Vigil in remembrance of the over one million of South Vietnamese and the 58,000 U.S soldiers who gave up their lives for the freedom of Vietnam.
Time : APRIL 30, Monday night, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Place : Fallen Soldiers Memorial, Vietnamese Cultural Center 2236 SW Orchard St., Seattle WA 98106
Please forward the invite to the VN War Veterans & Families.
Lee Bui