Diane Tice honored by The Performance Institute for Lifetime Achievement
Diane Tice, co-founder of the The Pacific Institute, whose headquarters are on Harbor Avenue in West Seattle was honored May 4 by The Performance Institute in Florida, From left are: Tiffany Panciera (Performance Institute), Diane Tice (The Pacific Institute) and Sue Shifrin-Cassidy.
Tue, 05/08/2012
press release
The Performance Institute announced that the 2012 recipient of its “Spirit of Women” Lifetime Achievement Award is Diane Tice, owner and co-founder of West Seattle based The Pacific Institute.
The award was presented on May 4th at a workshop benefiting “Women in Distress” of Broward County, Florida.
Celebrating her positive influence around the world, Mark Panciera, president of Performance Institute says, “As a global business owner, mother and mentor to many, we feel that this award for Diane’s unquenchable spirit is well-deserved.”
Employing the proven success concepts contained in The Pacific Institute’s scientifically-proven education, Performance Institute offers workshops to accelerate personal and professional achievement, combined with a hands-on application called “Lifeboarding.”
The Pacific Institute, co-founded by Lou and Diane Tice in Seattle, formally began in 1971, and last year celebrated its 40th anniversary. Its varied curricula have been translated into 21 different languages, and the education has been brought to individuals and organizations in 62 countries around the world.
With offices in London, Perth, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul as well as Seattle, it is estimated that the Institute’s education has touched over 33 million people around the world, and the ripple effect could be much greater. Co-Founder, Lou Tice, passed away on April 1, 2012 in Seattle.