A young boy played on the Monkey Motion at the Westwood Village Street Fair June 16. The annual event featured live music, food, and information booths. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
While the weather on Saturday, June 16 was cloudy that didn't stop hundreds of West Seattleites from crowding into the Westwood Village shopping center for their annual street fair.
The event featured a lot of facets from series of information booths to fashion shows, pet competitions, slides and bouncy houses from Clowns Unlimited to food and live music.
The School of Rock was well represented with numerous performances by a series of different bands, each up and done quickly on the stage near Bed, Bath and Beyond.
New this year was the beer garden.
Musical acts included Gunn and the Damage Done, NW Rivals featuring Steve Pearson of 80's Seattle favorite The Heats and Jim Basnight of the Moberly's.