$2,000 Donation Marks First Year of Burien Bites
Thu, 07/05/2012
Press release:
On May 27th, restaurant owners and eaters of the city of Burien came together for the first annual Burien Bites.
Restaurant owners prepared dishes, people brought their appetites, and the city hit the streets to enjoy a beautiful Washington day in downtown Burien.
With nine restaurants participating, Burien Bites takes an innovative approach at fundraising for charity -- participants purchase a $10 entry fee, which gives them access to $5 and $10 flat-rate plates that local purveyors prepared for the “best of” food sample smorgasbord. Registration proceeds are donated to four local charities.
HomeTask founder and CEO Jerrod Sessler stopped by the Highline Area Food Bank to drop off a check and personally deliver several boxes of “Freggies”, fresh organic produce, for delivery.
Jerrod met with Highline Area Director Mike Werle, bringing three sets ready hands to package boxes for the community - his three children, complete with (somewhat large) Burien Bites Apparel.
After moving the main HomeTask offices, which manages nearly 200 locations nationwide, Sessler says “We didn’t want to have a typical self-serving sort of grand opening.” Sessler continues, “We wanted to do something that would benefit the community”.
Four charities -- Highline Area Food Bank, New Futures, Highline Schools Foundation and the YETI Club - are receiving donations as a result of the May 27th festivities. These charities are featured on the Burien Charities board outside of the HomeTask offices on 152nd.
Burien Bites raised $2,000 in its first year, but the success is far greater than a check - the people of Burien came out to eat local and come together as a community, and that’s the greatest success of all. Burien Bites and HomeTask are contributing to making Burien great!
If you’d like more information about this topic, please visit www.burienbites.com or email support@hometask.com.