If you happen to have an apple, pear, plum, fig, cherry or peach tree in your yard that produces more fruit that you can consume, non-profit City Fruit has a deal for you: They’ll come to your house, pick whatever you don’t need and transport it to someone who could really use the nourishment.
Here is their mission statement:
Urban fruit trees are a valuable community resource. Often fruit goes unused because people are not sure when to harvest it, how to eat it, or they are put off by damage caused by preventable disease and pests. We are reclaiming the urban orchard, showing people how to harvest and use what they need, and to share the rest with others. Join us in reclaiming urban fruit!
A City Fruit spokeswoman, speaking to the Southwest District Council and Delridge Neighborhoods District Council on July 18, said the program is coming to West Seattle with plans to harvest the extra fruit and distribute it to local food banks, meals programs, senior centers, schools and anyone else who can use it.
She said they are also looking for more harvesting volunteers with a current army of ten and hopes for 25 to 30.
Ways to get involved (information from a City Fruit flyer you may see around town):
1)Volunteer by contacting City Fruit at westseattle@cityfruit.org
2) If you have unsprayed, healthy fruit to donate, contact City Fruit at westseattle@cityfruit.org
3) If you have a fruit tree that has a problem (disease, bad fruit, etc.) and you want to be on their list of fruit trees needing help, contact them at the same email.
4) To become a member of City Fruit, join online at www.cityfruit.org