Former pro named Mount Rainier High interim head football coach
Thu, 07/26/2012
Assistant coach Tremain Mack has been named interim head football coach at Mount Rainier High in Des Moines.
Former head coach Scott Leick has accepted a counseling position and assistant football job at Kentwood High School in order to be at the school where his son will attend.
Highline athletic director Terri McMahon notes that Mack “has a wealth of football experience,” including playing professionally for the Cincinnati Bengals from 1997 to 2001.
Other experience includes:
Standout player at Chapel Hill High School (Tyler, Texas). 1993 grad.
Scholarship player at University of Miami from 93-96.
Played professionally for the San Jose Sabercats from 04-07.
Has coached football in the Highline District since fall of 2010.
He currently serves the district as a paraeducator at Midway Elementary and head baseball and assistant basketball coach at Tyee.
“Tremain’s football knowledge and passion for our student athletes and community will serve to continue the improvement realized in the Mount Rainier program over the last two years,” McMahon said. “ Tremain is committed to building relationships within the community, teaching fundamentals and developing the program from the ground up.”
The district is working to immediately fill the assistant position vacated by Mack. For more information contact Director of Athletics, Terri McMahan at
To apply online visit