Letter to the editor: Neighbors outraged by 64th St development
Wed, 08/01/2012
Dear editor:
I wish to comment on the article "No promises for businesses in new development" as well as the article by the same reporter about the public meeting to the NW Design board. Mr. Bryan missed the anger and message. We cannot stop the buildings, but we want the developer to step it back or not build to the full 65-foot height. The proposed building is too big in scope and size for the neighborhood. That was said clearly and repeatedly at the design board meeting. The apparent arrogance and disregard of the developers and architects is apparent; they aren't actually listening to the neighbors affected by the project. We are not "at peace" with this project. This will adversely affect the neighborhood by adding 90 to 180 residents in our neighborhood. Considering the number of units in process in Ballard, the number of current vacancies, and the condos they haven't been able to sell or lease, Mr. Parks may end up cursed with a half-empty building on his hands.
Kay-Ellen Tomlinson
64th St resident