Early primary results are in: Cody and Fitzgibbon are safe, the levies are passing and Nickels is trailing
34th District Rep. Position 1, Eileen L. Cody (D), has 81.39 percent of the vote, leading challenger William Giammarese (D).
Tue, 08/07/2012
Early primary results from the August 7 election have been posted by King County.
You can keep an eye on the results here, and the next round of updates is expected at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 8.
Here's some significant local results so far (as of 8:30 p.m. counts):
Secretary of State
Kim Wyman (R) leads with 30.19 percent and Kathleen Drew (D) is at 27.29 percent, edging out former Seattle mayor and West Seattle resident Greg Nickels (D) at 20.98 percent.
34th District Rep. Position 1
Eileen L. Cody (D) has 81.39 percent of the vote with challenger William Giammarese (D) coming in at 17.48 percent.
34th District Rep Position 2
Joe Fitzgibbon (D) will win with 98.03 percent compared to write-in candidates (including Mark Cavener) pulling in 1.97 percent.
The Children and Family Services Center Capital Levy is being approved with 52.63 percent of the vote.
The Regular Tax Levy including Seattle Public Libraries has the yes votes at 61.79 percent.