An artists sketch of the 7 story apartment/retail/live/work building coming to the West Seattle Junction next year.
The seven story apartment/retail building coming to the West Seattle Junction in the old Petco spaceat 4724 California Ave. s.w. had its land use application accepted Aug. 23 and a few changes have been made to the project from the original permit as filed with the Department of Planning and Development. The original permit called for 80 residential units and 5000 sq. ft of retail/office space at ground level. The land use permit calls for 88 units (8 more) with 75 residential units and 13 live/work units and 4,722 sq. ft. of commercial space.
The project is being designed by Weber Thompson Architects, and developed by Urban Evolution and the Wolff Group. The ground breaking will take place likely next spring.
The current plan calls for a mid-block open-air walkway on the northern side (connecting California to 42nd), with retail frontage on California and the residential entry in the walkway, three stories of the same mass at street level with plans to step back from there with the last four (in an attempt to mitigate the “canyon effect” and keep the skies open), widen sidewalks to activate the space on California, and create a seven-story northwest corner, slightly twisted in angle from the rest of the building, to provide a bit of character. Plans on landscaping and artwork will be more fully-fleshed out at future design meetings.
The property is zoned NC3P-85, which allows 85 feet in height. The current plan is to build 7 stories, with five floors of residential, one floor of live/work, and one floor of retail at the ground floor.
The developers plan to provide residents with parking at a ratio of around 0.7 to 0.8 stalls per unit. The vehicle and service entrances will be from the alley.
For more information on the 4724 California project, please check the project website at
To voice any concerns or comments you may have with the project, send those to Shelley Bolster with Seattle Department of Planning and Development at or 206-733-9067.