LETTER: Opposes annexation
Mon, 10/22/2012
As a White Center resident who wants to stay unincorporated, I am concerned about the pro-Burien annexation effort here.
It seems to be sponsored by a handful of Democratic PCOs (Precinct Committee Officers) who are doorbelling in favor of Burien annexation. Their blue signs break Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) law, since their signs do not have identification on who paid for them. I also note that their signs do not have the union label printed on them, as almost all other Democratic causes have when they print signs.
When I then consider that Burien replaced all the union King County transportation employees with contractors after annexing the southern portion of our neighborhoods, I can't help but wonder if the pro-Burien annexation effort is anti-union?
I see no good reason to annex right now. Seattle cannot afford us, and at least has the courage to admit it. Burien can't afford us, but act like they can. And a Burien address will significantly lower the value of our homes.
Right now we have the best of both worlds-- a Seattle address, no city taxes for either Seattle or Burien, and far less potential for government intrusion. I am voting no on annexation.
Peter Levine
White Center