UPDATE 2: Candlelight vigil for Newtown set for Alki on Dec. 22
Folks in West Seattle can gather for a candlelight vigil for Newtown on Alki on Dec. 22 at 5pm. There will be a rather large group of violent crime survivors attending and involved and brief remarks will come from Snohomish County Prosecutor- Mark Roe and Marge Martin, Executive Director of Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims.
Mon, 12/17/2012
UPDATE Dec. 22 11:30am
With showers likely and a temperature of 42 degrees it won't be comfortable on Alki this evening but the Candlelight Vigil to honor the victims of Newtown will go on. The original Facebook invitation shows only 13 people have said they will attend but the West Seattle Herald has spoken to many others who plan to be there.
UPDATE: Dec. 18 5:10pm
Organizer Casey Ann Rasmussen has announced that the speakers at the Newtown vigil set for Alki this coming Saturday are:
Snohomish County Prosecutor- Mark Roe, also a survivor and board member for Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims organization and
Executive Director of Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims, survivor -Marge Martin.
Rasmussen said, "There will be a rather large group of violent crime survivors attending and involved."
Original Post
A candle light vigil has been announced via Facebook to honor those in Newtown, Connecticut. It will take place at the Alki Statue of Liberty plaza, just adjacent to the Alki Bathhouse at 5PM on Saturday, Dec. 22.
Organizer Casey Ann Rasmussen said, "I don't want this to be a political event in any way. No talk about guns or other issues. This is an event to honor the victims of this tragedy. I've talked to many people and we're all seeking some way to deal with this." There will be a tent for donations and for the refreshments but no public address system will be there so any speaking will be human powered only. People may speak and more may develop prior to the event but for now this is a simple gathering meant to help those in Newtown and for people here to help process their grief.
Rasmussen added the address for donations:
Sandy Hook School Support Fund
C/O Newtown Savings Bank
39 Main Street, Newtown CT 06470
The event notice on Facebook reads:
"We have a responsibility to humanity not to forgot or pretend that the horror we witnessed this last week hasn't happened but rather to join hands, raise the collective consciousness and increase the worldly compassion toward peace and healing during this difficult time. Please join us for a non-political evening of love, remembrance and hope for a better future.
Rain or Shine - dress for the weather!
Please bring a light source - our supply will be limited.
Refreshments have been donated by:
- Husky Deli
- Sugar Rush Baking Company
Support from Friends and Families of Violent Crime Victims
All donations will be forwarded directly to:
Sandy Hook School Support Fund
Cash and Check only
Questions please contact Casey Ann Rasmussen at caseyras@gmail.com
or via phone 206-788-5677"