Get your Ballard fix this Wednesday, Jan. 9 at this month's Ballard District Council.
Bringing in the new year will be proposed Neighborhood Street Fund projects; an introduction of our newest representative in the 36th District, Gael Tarleton; and the Ballard transit survey, regarding the most recent round of changes.
As always, Ballard News-Tribune's reporter will be there, so say hi.
7:00 Introductions & Short Announcements - please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 2013 Neighborhood Streets Fund
The 2006 Bridging the Gap Levy provided nearly $300M to construct a host of transportation improvements in Seattle. One component of the levy is the NSF (Neighborhood Streets Fund). During the nine year life of the levy, three opportunities for citizens and community groups were provided through the NSF to suggest needed transportation improvements in their neighborhood. The last of these three $4.5M funding cycles occurs this year. SDOT received nine proposals from the Ballard district by the December 17, 2012 deadline. Each district council must now select only three projects in their district which will be forwarded to SDOT for cost and feasibility analysis. Each of the nine project proponents will be given up to five minutes to present their proposal.
Later in this agenda, the Ballard DC NSF Review Committee will present its recommendations for projects to be selected. This will be followed by a balloting process involving Ballard DC member reps.
- Kirke Park rain garden and traffic control
- Sidewalk – 13 NW (Holman Road to NW 100)
- Safe routes to Holman Road transit corridor
- Traffic circle – Leary Ave at Vernon NW
- Sidewalks – West Crown Hill
- Safe at 62
- Safety improvements to intersection at 3 NW and NW 56
- Threading the Needle
- Sunset Hill – Shilshole Gateway Phase 2 improvements
7:50 Ballard’s Own Gael Tarleton – our new 36th District State Representative
Following her four years as an elected member of the Seattle Port Commission, Gael now continues her remarkable career and lifelong commitment to public service as our new State Representative.
8:10 2013 NSF Review Committee Recommendations
The four member review committee has carefully reviewed NSF project applications and supporting documents, visited each subject location, and developed selection criteria. The committee will present its recommended three projects. Ballard DC member reps will then be polled to determine those three projects which will move forward for further consideration.
8:20 Staff Report, Rob Mattson
8:25 Executive Committee Report, Catherine Weatbrook
Ballard district transit survey
Ballard Prepares – emergency first aid training
Next BDC meeting – February 13
8:30 Adjourn
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