Seagal Tamaria and the Seattle Seahawks mascot Blitz put on a special presentation at West Seattle Elementary School as part of Fuel up/Play 60 a nutrition and exercise program sponsored by the Washington State Dairy Council.
West Seattle Elementary School 6760 34th Av. SW got a very special visit from the Seattle Seahawk mascot Blitz and Seagal Tamaria on Tuesday Jan 15 as they awarded a $2,500 fitness and nutrition grant from the Washington State Dairy Council (WSDC) as part of the national Fuel Up to Play 60 program.
The grant presentation featured Blitz and an interactive video with pre-taped appearances by Seahawks players and coaches.
“We became involved in Fuel Up to Play 60 and other activity and nutrition programs because it is important to reduce the risk of obesity in our students,” said Terri Helm-Remund, a West Seattle Elementary nurse and Fuel Up to Play 60 program advisor.
West Seattle Elementary School, located in the High Point area, serves 420 students in K-5 grades. Many students come from low-income households which has led the school to focus on community engagement and relationship-building.
”With the Fuel Up to Play 60 grant we plan to increase student’s awareness of the nutritional value of low-fat/non-fat dairy,” continued Helm-Remund.