More artwork added at Burien Town Square retail space
Wed, 01/16/2013
Burien artist Shelli Park, who has her own display at Burien Town Square, has let us know about another Burien artist whose work will be displayed at the Square retail space:
“Don Liljar was an artist who lived in Burien for at least 40 years, creating his art most recently in a modest home on SW 158th at 14th Ave SW. Some may remember seeing a large wheeled contraption in his front window. I often wondered what it was as I drove by. I know that I’m not the only one.
“I was invited over a year ago to help move what turned out to be a large sculpture of a steam-powered tricycle from his home to the home of Bob Frey. It is a wonderful and imaginative piece of art. This was my introduction to the world of Don Liljar.
“A huge selection of his work has been entrusted to Normandy Park Arts Commissioner Bob Frey by Don’s widow. With Bob’s blessing this work will be exhibited for the month of January, and part of February, in the NE retail space at Burien Town Square. It is best seen at night.
“Thank you Burien Town Square for letting your empty retail space shine with Burien’s artists!”