Letter: Tunnel machine delay is a good thing
Mon, 01/28/2013
Dear Editor,
And now we learn "The mammoth Highway 99 tunnel machine will start its journey under Seattle a few weeks late...damage to the rotary drive.." (Seattle Times 1/24). Now, isn't that sad? Are we all in mourning? Sack cloth and ashes? I think not.
More than 29,000 of us signed a petition to stop the bloody thing in the first place.
Numbers of us voted for McGinn based on his strong position against the tunnel.
They listened to us not. And McGinn, will get our vote next time? Not.
They listened not to the soil/tunnel expert of international acclaim that said this was the worst situation he had seen in his career.
May the stars continue to be aligned as this ill conceived selfish and dangerous project continues to keep us, like the rotary drive, from having to drive in the wretched hole.
Andy Helman
West Seattle