REMINDER: NHUAC public safety forum Feb 7 will tackle graffiti, marijuana and crime prevention
Fri, 02/01/2013
Here's the agenda for the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council public safety forum set for Feb. 7.
Sgt. Henry McLauchlan of the King County Sheriff’s Department will discuss how graffiti and other types of vandalism impact our community, and steps we can take to prevent and offset these problems.
Meet our new State Liquor Control Enforcement Officer:
Lt. Tim Thompson - Will provide updates regarding the states new marijuana legislation, as well as information regarding private liquor sales and distribution since the passage of 1-1183.
Chris Cody, Owner of Herban Legends Collective will fill us in on how citizens can get involved in the marijuana legislative process.
Interested in starting a Block Watch?
Nicki Maraulja, Crime Prevention Community Service Officer, will provide information to help get you started on this effective program based on the principle that neighbors working together are the first and best line of defense against crime.
BJ Myers, King County Sheriff Deputy, White Center Storefront, will give an update on crime trends in the North Highline area. Deputy Myers will also take questions regarding neighborhood concerns.
Thursday, February 7, 2012
7 pm
Boys and Girls Club
Joe Thomas Room
9800 8th Ave, SW
All are invited
Snacks Provided