LETTER: Headline: Leave White Center Library at current location
Mon, 03/04/2013
In reading the results of the King County Library Board meeting of February 26th 2013 it is noted that they voted to buy some property on 107th SW and build a new building in lieu of expanding the old one at 112th SW & Ambaum.
Several people attended this meeting and asked the board to withhold their plan until a meeting could be called with the White Center people whom would be affected with this plan. They said no, and voted to continue with their new plan.
The voters of White Center did not vote to move the library, only to have it enlarged and updated. It does not make any sense to buy another piece of property to build on when they already own the one the present building is on. It would be better to use that money in expanding and updating the present building.
During this meeting a presentation was made by Mr. Mark Ufkes that stated that he/they had run a study and the people of the area favored the new building. I don’t know where these figures came from, but feel they should have been questioned.
Mr. Ufkes, for the past 2 years, has stated that as president of the White Center Chamber of Commerce, he represents the people of the White Center area. This is false--he represents the small number of White Center business people that belong to the Chamber.
Also, in the time he has been president of the Chamber there have been some questionable changes. First: the chamber office was closed. Why? Second: the Chamber has lost their affiliation with the national Chamber. Why? I, and several other people, have questioned this and have not gotten an answer. Third: the old constitution and by laws stated that each president should make and save a batch of money in an account, so that any new president would have a fund to start with. When Mr. Ufkes rewrote the constitution and bylaws this was removed. Why?
I understand that the new president will begin in March of this year. Will they have any funds to start with? Maybe they would like to ask this question. I think the taxpayers should be told of this new plan and told how and why their money is being used in this manner.
They voted to have the present library enlarged and updated, not moved. And, at the very least, they should have been invited to give their input to such a plan (?) I have talked to many people of the area and so far the bulk of them are upset and mad at this action; There is talk of voting against any county plans that are presented in the future. I cannot blame them, as I feel the same.
However this could be bad for the running of our county government in the future and could cause many problems. Remember a mad taxpayer can, when organized, cause a great deal of problems and at some point must be listened too.
Robert L. Price
North Highline