Shelli Park announces run for Burien City Council
Mon, 04/29/2013
Shelli Park has announced that she is running for a seat on the Burien City Council
Here is her statement:
Burien is a beautiful community in which I have loved living and raising my children for nine years. It holds amazing potential and is on a path of establishing itself as an economically vital town, an impressive and critical accomplishment after the economic downturn of 2008. I am running for a seat on the Burien City Council to help drive the forward momentum of this recovery.
I am not only a resident of Burien, but I am also a small business owner (Crimson Park Design) with great interest in helping to create the conditions in which local small businesses can thrive. I have observed and studied Burien’s economic development plan, its vision, and processes. It is clear to me that we must open the conversation to the business community, and consider the impact of the arts/culture/heritage role on viable development solutions currently being brought to the city. The community is working hard to create solutions. City government needs to support these efforts.
I have been involved in various organizational roles in this wonderfully diverse community, in addition to being a resident and proprietor. I have seven combined years of experience working on local community boards, including Highline School District Arts Council and White Center Arts, which I helped found, and chaired for four years. I was appointed to the Burien Arts Commission in 2011, and am Chair of the Arts and Economic Development Committee. These experiences have given me insight into inter-personal and inter-organization diplomacy, group ethics, inspired leadership, and problem solving in committee for community-wide issues.
My philosophy is that government, no matter its size, must establish a culture that nurtures open communication and transparency. Trust is vital. The Council must work together, though there may be disagreement, the Council-appointed citizen advisory boards must be utilized as the experienced voice of the community, and City Staff must work to realize the Council’s well-laid plans.
As a City Council member, I will be a part of the mechanism that propels Burien along the path of fiscal sustainability. I will be a part of the solution that nurtures and safeguards the people and our environment for the good of Burien’s fiscal health, environmental health, and the health of our community.