West Seattle's Amanda Knox finally had a chance to be heard in an exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer of ABC News that aired April 30. Knox was tried and convicted of the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher by an Italian court in 2007. She was later released on appeal but the case will be heard again in Italy.
In the interview, timed to coincide with the release of her book, "Waiting to be heard," Knox talked about her personal anguish over being called "a devil", and a murderer saying "I was stunned by her death."
Knox also talked about the lack of DNA evidence at the scene of the crime.
In a follow up interview, also on ABC News with Robin Roberts Knox said of the book, "I hope people will read it. I poured my heart into it (…) I wanted people to know who i was because I felt that I was lost in the middle of this storm. i was taken over. I wanted people to know precisely what it is I went through and precisely what I was thinking at every moment and I wanted to give what I was able to get out of it to the people who read it."
She said "until you are in a situation as incredibly surreal, and overwhelming and tragic as I was in finding out that my friend was murdered, then being interrogated so aggressively and then being put through this huge trial. I had to learn how to deal with it as I went through it. I was 20."
Sawyer asked, point blank if she killed Kercher or if she was there that night. Knox replied, "No" to both questions.
Knox said that during her time in the Italian prison she considered suicide but that it was only imaginary. She said in the Roberts interview that in the book she discusses things she wanted to do if and when she was released from prison. "I'm so incredibly grateful for life right now," she said, "I'm close to my family. I have my own place. I have a wonderful boyfriend. i have wonderful friends. I go to school. i have great teachers and very sympathetic friends I met at the UW and I'm doing great."