Press release:
Who: Group Health Cooperative
What: Walk and Talk with Group Health Care providers. FREE monitored exercise and health tips program open to the community, Group Health members, and employees.
When: Friday, May 3 from11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., (ongoing Fridays each week at 12:15 p.m.)
Where: Group Health Burien Medical Center, North Annex, 140 S.W. 146th St., Burien, WA.
Here's how it works:
You meet with other walkers at a predetermined location (often indoors) for introductions, and a quick health tip from a member of the health team. If you’re new to the program, you’ll receive a pedometer to log your progress, a drawstring bag, and water bottle.
Everyone heads outside, rain or shine, to walk for 30 to 45 minutes. You walk at your own pace, for the distance you choose.
You are joined by Group Health doctors, nurses, medical assistants and Group Health staff.
Whether you’re just beginning to log steps on your pedometer, or are training to participate in your first walking event, Walk & Talk is an invigorating way to get health tips along with exercise.
The Walk & Talk program, organized by Rosemary Agostini, MD, medical chief of Group Health’s Activity, Sports, and Exercise Medicine department, is funded with support from the Group Health Foundation.