SLIDESHOW: Memorial Day services at Forest Lawn
American Legion Post 160 presented and retired the colors as people saluted at the services at Forest Lawn Dignity Memorial in West Seattle on Memorial Day.
Fri, 05/24/2013
Memorial Day services at Forest Lawn/Dignity Memorial at 6701 30th Ave SW took place under a steady rain but that didn't dampen the spirits of those who came to honor American veterans.
Commander Nicholas Sullivan from the Farwell Roosevelt VFW Post 2713 spoke movingly of his grandfather and his own reasons for joining the military in 1998. He served in Iraq. Commander Kyle Gerah from American Legion Post 160 also spoke.
Boy Scout Troop #284 had placed crosses and flowers on the site prior to the service.
Forest Lawn's Hank Kearns welcomed those in attendance, about 40 people, who sat beneath a temporary shelter. American Legion Post # 160 presented the colors and Ross Hauk sang "Star Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful". People were present all around the service placing flowers and honoring loved ones.
Echoing taps were played by Pete Kirkman and Greg Lyon.