Seattle's My Neighborhood map shows burglary locations from Aug. 19 to the 25 in West Seattle. Please note some icons represent multiple incidents.
In our weekly tabulation of crimes reported in West Seattle for the Herald’s Police Blotter, we noticed the hits for burglaries from Aug. 19 to Aug. 25 just kept coming up. Once the final tally was in, we had over 30 burglaries reported in that seven day span.
We reached out to Seattle Police Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis to ask if they noticed a spike on their end.
“We did see and notice the spike,” Davis said in an email, noting it was a citywide phenomenon seen beyond West Seattle.
Davis said his department has “caught quite a few burglars in the last few months,” and, “this recent spike was a definite surprise.”
“We’ve got leads and are zeroing in on our culprits,” he added.
The City of Seattle “My Neighborhood” crime map shows a divided trend from the 19th to the 25th, with burglars hitting homes and parking garages in the southern and northern regions of West Seattle, but mostly leaving the central swath alone.
Davis left us with this reminder for the community:
“If you see something out of the ordinary, say something. Call 911 and report it. It’s because of (the community’s) efforts in 911 reporting that we have been successful in catching our bad guys.”
Here's the reported burglary list from Aug. 19 - 25:
Burglaries by block: 4000 21st Ave S.W., 4100 Beach Dr. S.W., 4600 56th Ave. S.W., 4800 51st Ave. S.W., 7900 17th Ave. S.W., 2400 Harbor Ave. S.W., 4000 S.W. Maryland Pl. (4 reported at a secured parking lot), 1600 S.W. Austin St., 2700 Garlough Ave. S.W., 5000 S.W. Grayson St., 8600 35th Ave. S.W., 8100 15th Ave. S.W., 3400 Beach Dr. S.W., 3400 62nd Ave. S.W., 9200 11th Ave. S.W., 9200 25th Ave. S.W., 4800 California Ave. S.W. (2 reported on this block), 2700 56th Ave. S.W., 4100 54th Ave. S.W., 4400 37th Ave. S.W., 4600 Beach Dr. S.W., 4700 49th Ave. S.W., 5400 31st Ave. S.W., 8300 46th Ave. S.W., 7700 20th Ave. S.W., 4500 42nd Ave. S.W., 5200 25th Ave. S.W., 5200 S.W. Jacobsen Rd., 1400 S.W. Thistle St., 8600 18th Ave. S.W.