Delridge Grocery still seeking new member/owners; Next meeting is Sept. 23
Wed, 09/18/2013
The effort to bring a cooperative community grocery to the Delridge Neighborhood, the Delridge Grocery is still in the process of seeking member/owners. The neighborhood is considered a "food desert" since for many of its residents there is no easy access to a major grocery store nearby.
The organizers of the effort want your attendance at a meeting on Sept. 23 and/or your volunteer efforts to help get information about the program out. The store is scheduled to open on the first floor of the DESC project now under construction at 5444 Delridge Way SW. That project with housing for 66 is on schedule for completion in December of 2013 and the grocery will move in after tenant improvements are made and the full scope of the store is determined.
Here's a note from the organizers:
"Your next, in-person opportunity to become a member/owner of Delridge's future co-op grocery store is in one week. Please meet us at the Delridge branch of the Public Library at 5423 Delridge Way SW on Monday, September 23rd between 6:30 and 7:30pm to sign up with your cash, check or credit card.
Volunteers! If you are interested in helping to get our information out, if you have expressed interest in the past to help, or if you just want more general information this meeting is for you. We will have volunteer packets and general information ready for you to share with your friends, coworkers, and neighbors.
Our t-shirts are also available for a reduced seasonal price of $10! Come get yours!
Also, look for us at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center's Open House this Saturday, September 21st. Tour the artists living and working in this beautiful neighborhood treasure and look for our table from 1-6pm, then stay for the entertainment in the evening. We will be raffling off our t-shirts to those who visit our table and fill out an info card.
We will also have a representative at this Saturday's High Point Meaningful Movies event at the High Point Neighborhood House, 7pm, September 21st. Look for someone in our Delridge Grocery t-shirt for brochures, get your membership, or sign up for our mailing list.
We love visiting our neighbors and welcoming new member-owners! If you think our presence would be a good fit for your upcoming community event or meeting, please contact us by email. We can do a short presentation or have a table of information.
Special Request: We are currently looking for temporary, part-time access to office space, storage space, and/or meeting space. If you are willing to share with us, we would love to hear from you today!!
Thank you and please visit us online at and like our page on Facebook (Sign up for notifications on Facebook to get ongoing information)