County offers Sept. update on Barton Street CSO project
Wed, 09/18/2013
Information from King County
Progress continues on the Barton CSO Control project. Puget Sound Energy spent the summer relocating select gas lines to accommodate the future bioretention swales. These gas lines have been relocated, and temporary repaving work has been completed. The temporary pavement will remain in place until swale construction is completed on each street.
Tree transplants will begin later this fall. King County will notify the neighborhood in advance of the work, and neighbors who are receiving a tree for transplant to their property will also receive information on how to transplant and care for the trees.
King County is in the process of hiring a construction contractor, and major street construction is scheduled to begin in late winter. King County will share a detailed construction schedule later this fall, which will outline when construction will occur on each of the 15 streets slated for swales.
New web pages on the Barton CSO Control website provide information about construction and future operations. Visit…. You will find three new tabs on the left hand drop down menu: Construction, Facility Operation, and Planning and Design History. We will update the web pages as construction plans develop.
Note: The four ‘golden’ streets (see the attached map) are delayed, which means that they will only be constructed if we find we need more CSO control once the 15 streets are built and monitored for a few years.
As the project transitions from design into construction, look for a post-design survey in your mailbox in the next few weeks, or find it online at the project website. King County strives to engage the public during the facility design process and provide opportunities for review and input. I encourage you to complete the survey and return it to me – your input will help shape future public engagement efforts as we design and build facilities that protect public health and the environment, and control the sources of pollution that impact our waterways.