A historic photo overlooking NW 65th St and 3rd Ave NW
Ballard has more community groups than you can shake a stick at. Even if you happen to be a black belt at stick-shaking. If you live somewhere within the confines of the neighborhood, it's likely you have a group of dedicated community members who are 1) Absolutely in love with the sub-'hood they live in, and 2) Dedicated to making it a better place.
Joining the ranks of community groups is Friends of NW 65th. The group is focusing on a narrower area than other groups, taking on -- duh -- NW 65th St, mainly between 3rd Ave NW and 8th Ave NW. (Think Cafe Bambino, Chocolate Vitale, the Tin Hat, the RidgeBack Cafe, etc.)
According to their Facebook page, "The Friends of NW 65th promotes, plans and advocates on behalf of the community to improve the quality of life through a clean, safe and economically vibrant NW 65th community."
The group is headed by East Ballard/West Woodland neighbors David Barnes, a chamber of commerce president and city planner for Kirkland, and Sue Pierce, a sales and marketing professional.
Their first meeting will be this Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m. at Cafe Bambino (405 NW 65th).
Here's a look at the agenda:
10:00 am Welcome & Introductions
10:15 am Walk NW 65th Together
10:35 am Return to Cafe Bambino for group discussion
11:00 am Meeting Concludes
For more info, visit https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOf65th
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