Multiple vehicle spinouts shut down West Seattle Bridge
Mon, 12/02/2013
By David Rosen
Update as of 3:10pm Dec 2
The West Seattle Bridge has now reopened to traffic but still expect bad traffic delays.
Original Post
The West Seattle Bridge is shut down in both directions including from I-5 and from Beacon Hill (Columbian Way) due to multiple spinouts from vehicles and a car slamming into the jersey barrier. The incidents were caused by deicer fluid on the bridge deck. Seattle Police has all access points blocked while SDOT trucks dump sand on the bridge to soak up the fluid. All side roads in West Seattle are gridlock leading up to the bridge. There is also a Seahawks game against the Saints at Century link Field at 5:40pm so this will have a huge impact for people trying to get to the stadium. There is no estimates on when the bridge will reopen.