The 149 unit, mixed use project proposed for 3210 California Ave. S.W. will face its second Design Review Board recommendation meeting at the West Seattle Senior Center on Feb. 6 at 8pm. The image below is a design 'massing' study and not the final design.
The second design review board recommendation meeting for the project proposed for 3210 California Ave. S.W. is set for Feb. 6 at the West Seattle Senior Center at 8 p.m.
The project which has been through several changes already will be five stories, containing 143 residential units, six live-work units and 4,220 sq. ft. of commercial space. Unlike many other recent projects in West Seattle the proposal calls for parking for 168 cars both above and below ground. The existing structures would be demolished.
The project has been controversial in the Admiral District neighborhood since it would have an obvious impact on traffic in the area and because the building is on a slope parts of it will rise substantially higher than nearby buildings.
Neighbors in the area have written to DPD to express their concerns. Louis Hess wrote saying, "it does not meet the spirit of our neighborhood. This massive project will limit daylight to its neighbors and create a massive visual wall." Paul Stancik wrote saying, "This building is completely out of scope and character for the area and the NC2-40 up zone which used to be NC1-30 due to the close proximity of the proposed development to the SF homes due East. The building will be up to 75 ft. tall and almost 500 ft long in a NC2-40 zone." (See his full Sept. 30 letter at the link above).
The DPD Director will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidance through February 6, 2014. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues, which you believe, should be addressed in the design for this project.
Comments and requests to be made party of record should be submitted to or
City of Seattle – DPD – PRC
700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Public comment at the recommendation meeting is limited to design considerations. If environmental review is triggered, comments related to environmental impacts (such as traffic, parking, noise, etc) may be sent to DPD following notice of that review.
You can find the DPD records for the project here:
Enter project number 3014176
In other West Seattle development news:
Land Use Application to subdivide two parcels into eight parcels of land in an environmentally critical area. Proposed parcel sizes are: A) 5,017 sq. ft., B) 5,009 sq. ft., C) 5,009 sq. ft., D) 5,033 sq. ft., E) 5,033 sq. ft., F) 5,040 sq. ft., G) 6,533 sq. ft. and H) 5,625 sq. ft.
6536 24th Ave SW
Land Use Application to allow a 4-story structure containing eight residential units in an environmentally critical area. Surface parking for 4 (four) vehicles to be provided. Existing single family residence to be demolished under a separate permit.
3005 Harbor Ave SW