Delridge Neighbhorhood Greenway is open; Better alternative for bicyclists and pedestrians
The new Delridge Greenway follows 26th Avenue SW for the majority of the route, starting at SW Andover Street and ending at Delridge Way SW.
Tue, 01/21/2014
The Delridge Neighborhood Greenway has opened, meaning bicyclists and pedestrians now have a safer alternative route through the area than just following and crossing arterials. The Greenway makes up about 1.5 miles of the nearly ten miles of Greenways established thus far in Seattle and finishing touches were recently completed.
It follows 26th Avenue SW for the majority of the route, starting at SW Andover Street and ending at Delridge Way SW. Funded by Bridging the Gap, the neighborhood greenway helps people cross busy streets, discourages cut-thru traffic, helps keep speeds low and protects the residential character of the neighborhood.
It includes basic greenway elements like a 20 mph speed limit, stop signs on streets crossing the greenway, speed humps and signs to help people get to where they want to go. It also adds some great features like a raised crosswalk at SW Andover Street. Enhancements on SW Genesee near the Delridge playfields include two radar speed feedback signs. The sign helps calm traffic in an area where lots of kids travel by foot or bike.
Neighbors will continue to see improvements this year when SDOT widens the sidewalk on Delridge Way S.W. between S.W. Andover Street and the West Seattle Bridge Trail. This route was originally proposed by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council as a key corridor for improving pedestrian and bicycle access in Delridge and will create an even nicer connection to the new Delridge Neighborhood Greenway.