SDOT will impose temporary turn restriction on Roxbury Street Feb. 11-13
Tue, 02/04/2014
information from SDOT
As part of the Safe Routes to School Project for Roxhill Elementary School, the Seattle Department of Transportation will be installing a pedestrian improvement at the intersection of Southwest Roxbury Street and 30th Avenue Southwest. The construction will require restricting northbound turns from SW Roxbury to 30th Avenue SW beginning Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7 a.m., weather permitting. This restriction will remain in effect 24 hours per day until 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13. Southbound travel on 30th Avenue SW will not be affected.
This restriction will allow crews to build a curb bulb on the northeast corner of 30th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Roxbury Street. This curb bulb will shorten the pedestrian crossing distance and provide a calmer pedestrian environment.
Those wishing to travel north on 30th Avenue Southwest should continue west on Southwest Roxbury Street to 35th Avenue Southwest, north on 35th Avenue Southwest to Southwest Barton Street, and east Southwest Barton Street to 30th Avenue Southwest.
Safe Routes to School is a national program that makes it safer and easier to walk and bike to school. This project also includes building a new concrete sidewalk and planting strip on the west side of 30th Avenue Southwest between Southwest Roxbury Street and Southwest 97th Street. New trees will be added, as well as ground cover and additional street lighting. Work is expected to be complete in March.
For more information about this project, please visit the project web page at: