The address list for a six story mixed use development is 1307 Harbor Ave. S.W. but it's a set of addresses including 1321 Harbor Ave. S.W. that is the site of the former Alki Tavern.
UPDATE Mar. 13
An early design review meeting for the Southwest Design Review board is set for April 3 at 8pm to see the proposal for 1307 Harbor Ave. S.W. the site of the former Alki Tavern and adjacent properties. The design will be shown at the meeting. It is project # 3015628 with DPD.
Earlier in the evening the board will review, starting at 6:30pm, the proposal for the large apartment complex proposed for 3210 California Ave. S.W. now in its 3rd recommendation meeting.
Date: Thursday, April 3, 2014
Time: 08:00 p.m.
Location: West Seattle Senior Center
4217 SW Oregon Street
Hatten Hall
All meeting facilities are ADA compliant. Translators or interpreters provided upon request. Please contact the Public Resource Center (206-684-8467 or at least five business days prior to the meeting to request this service.
The Director will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidance through April 3, 2014. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues, which you believe, should be addressed in the design for this project.
Comments and requests to be made party of record should be submitted to or
City of Seattle – DPD – PRC
700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
An application for Design Review related to future development of this site has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). The first phase of Design Review includes the Early Design Guidance (EDG) meeting. At the Early Design Guidance meeting, the following occurs:
The applicants will present information about the site and vicinity as well as early massing design concepts.
The public may offer comments regarding the design of a development on the subject site.*
The Design Review Board will provide guidance and identify those Design Guidelines of highest priority for the design as it moves forward towards Master Use Permit (MUP) application.
Following the meeting, DPD will issue a written Early Design Guidance report summarizing the meeting. This report will be sent to those who signed in at the meeting or otherwise requested a copy.
*Please note that public comment at the EDG meeting is limited to design considerations. If environmental review is triggered, comments related to environmental impacts (such as traffic, parking, noise, etc.) may be sent to DPD following notice of that review.
This proposal may be viewed at our Design Review Program website at For more information regarding this application or the Design Review process, you may contact the Land Use Planner listed above, go to the Design Review Program website or visit our office at the address above. (We are open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 10:30 am to 4 pm Tuesday and Thursday.)
Original Post Mar. 6
Ever since the venerable Alki Tavern closed on St. Patrick's Day last year, there's been speculation as to what might be developed there. The address and those just adjacent now have a plan, or at least the beginnings of one.
It's subject to a design review but the early design guidance application is in place to allow a 6 story structure with 19 residential units, 12,000 sq. ft. of office, 3,400 sq. ft. of restaurant, and 7,000 sq. ft. of retail. Parking for 40 vehicles to be located below grade. Existing structures (residential and retail) will be demolished.
It's listed as Project 3015628 with DPD and covers seven lots (3-10) in Block 22.
The project will no doubt be discussed on April 3 at the meeting of the Southwest Design Review Board at the West Seattle Senior Center at 4217 S.W. Oregon Street.