West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting will discuss local crime trends plus hiring practices
Captain Steve Wilske, the new Precinct Commander for the S.W. Seattle Police Precinct will be on hand at the next Crime Prevention Council meeting.
Fri, 03/14/2014
The next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting is set for March 18, @ Southwest Police Precinct, 2300 SW Webster, 7 – 8:30pm.
The precinct's new Commander, Captain Steve Wilske will provide an update on recent crime trends.
He and other officers will answer questions and address neighborhood concerns.
The guests will be Officers Andre Sinn and Sonya Fry, Recruiting Officers, Seattle Police Department. They will discuss the hiring and testing practices of the Seattle Police Department and Detective Kevin Nelson, SPD Background Investigations Unit, to discuss the background check process.
The next meeting is scheduled for April, 15, 2014. All meetings are open to the public.
For more information contact WSCPC at westseattleCPC@gmail.com