LETTER: re:Gasping For Breath
Tue, 04/22/2014
Dear editor,
In reading Mr Ufkes comments in the April 18th Weekly, I would like to point out some facts and not random raving. He states that the attempted annexation of Area Y cost the Burien tax payers millions of dollars. Does he keep a separate set of books from the city of Burien?
None of the Burien paid employees who keep the books, and keep track of the budget, seem to know where he got his figures. In fact, they say they are impossible. Is he saying that the assigned people of Burien to handle this are liars’ or don’t know what they are doing? Then he quotes numbers from the last vote of area Y. But, I would have voted against annexation also, if I would have believed his, and his associates, facts and figures they were publishing (as fact) in the last election. Much money was spent by them to get out false statements and phony so-called facts. And, no official facts. Mr. Ufkes seems to think that he is smarter and better informed than the employees of Burien who are charged with keeping the facts.
There is a small fact that he never says much about, and that is what he does for a living. He is a land speculator and buys and sells land. I noticed on one occasion that he stated to be annexed by Burien would be a mistake as their zoning is not as dense as Seattle’s zoning. After the last vote, for a considerable time, he bad mouthed Burien and praised Seattle. I find this strange, as Mr. Ufkes and his crew published that they wanted to stay unincorporated and stay as they were now and not be annexed by anyone. They also said that if the people stayed unincorporated every thing would stay the same and no services would be lost. Even as they were saying that, King County was stating that there would be a loss of services, police and road and sidewalk maintenance. Is he even smarter than the King County government?
A great deal of their supporters in Burien were complaining about the present city council at that time. As an outsider, the only thing I could find in the old council was they were taking care of all of Burien, not just the Lake Burien people. If you check on all the new council members you will find that some live and/or own property in the Lake Burien area. Those who don’t - you will find large campaign funds supporting them from Lake Burien people.
I think that the East side voters are going to find that most of the present council do not have their interest at heart. If I was on the council, I would want to keep the PAA on the table just to protect Burien from any one planning to annex Area Y. If you keep your name in the hat, you would at least be invited to the table and have some input to any annexation. I think the people need to question Mr Ufkes facts and figures with the proper authorities and keep your eye on your present council to see that they are working for all the people of Burien, and not just one special area that is requesting special treatment.
Thank you,
Robert L. Price