The Third International March against Monsanto to take place May 24
Fri, 05/23/2014
On May 24, 2014, Seattle residents, along with millions of people in more than 300 cities, and over 50 countries, will join
in a GLOBAL day of protest against Monsanto and the corporate monopoly of food resources and alteration of our food
supply for private profit.
●11:00 am - Rally at Westlake Park (Event address is 400 Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98101)
*11 am - Welcome and Ceremonial Blessing by First Nations representative
*Live music performances include: Gary Kanter, Sean Gaston, The Raging Grannies, Hip Hop Occupies and the band,
Smashie Smashie!
*Guest Speakers from CAGJ (Community Alliance for Global Justice), Beacon Food Forest, and Demos from Seattle Tilth,
info booths, and more.
●2:00 pm - March to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for additional rally and speak-outs.
●3:00 - 4:00 pm - Disperse and return to Westlake for break-down. Some participants may choose to go on to Folk Life
Festival in small groups.
This is a Family-Friendly event with speakers, music, arts, activities for kids, and information booths!