Agenda for WWRAH Community Council set for June 3 meeting
Thu, 05/29/2014
Westwood / Roxhill / Arbor Heights
Community Council Agenda
Date: 06/03/14 Location: SW Library Branch, 9010 35th Ave SW
Time: 6:15pm - 7:45 pm Meeting Type: Public Meeting
Delridge Neighborhoods District Council Meeting: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center; 3rd Wednesday of the Month; 7:00 pm
Southwest Neighborhoods District Council Meeting: West Seattle Senior Center; 1st Wednesday of the Month; 6:30p
City Neighborhood Council Meeting: City Hall, Room 370; Last Monday of the Month; 6:15p
6:15-6:50: Introductions; Community News; Open Discussions:
West Seattle Land Use Committee; American Legion Post 160‘s hall at 3618 SW Alaska; June 4th; 6:30pm
WSTC Has Lynn Peterson, Secretary of WSDOT coming to answer questions; June 10th 6:30 - 9:00 at Highpoint’s Neighborhood House; 6700 Sylvan Way.
No July Meeting!
Should WWRHAH have a table at the Delridge Day/Gathering of Neighbors on August 9th?
Should WWRHAH host Roxhill Night Out on August 5th?
Metropolitan Parks District. What are your thoughts?
The Mayor’s Budget office is putting the 2015 & 2016 Budget; what needs do we have that should get funding?
6:50-7:00: Committee & Neighborhood Council Updates
Metro Committee: Letter to save the 21
Infrastructure Committee: SDOT Updates
Roxhill Bog Committee: Process Update
Roxhill Park Committee: June 14th Roxhill Park work party!
DNDC: Pablo or Amanda
SWDC: Rory or Eric
7:00 - 7:40: Ruth Alice Williams; Thornton Creek Alliance (;
Thornton Creek Alliance (TCA) is an all-volunteer grassroots, nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and restoring an ecological balance throughout the Thornton Creek watershed. Our goal is to benefit the watershed by encouraging individuals, groups, schools, businesses, and government to work together in addressing the environmental restoration of the creek system including: water quality, stabilization of water flow, flood prevention, and habitat improvement through education, collaboration, and community involvement.
7:40-7:45: Wrap Up: Breakdown the room; library locks up promptly at 8pm.