34th Dist. Dems will take on $15 wage question at June meeting
Mon, 06/09/2014
The 34th District Democrats will take on the $15 minimum wage issue on June 11 at their monthly meeting.
City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and Sage Wilson of Working Washington will be present to make the case for the law which was recently passed by the Seattle City Council. The Dems say there still might be an initiative on the fall ballot.
Also scheduled to appear is King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove, who will provide a quick update from the County. Also on the agenda, the group will consider an endorsement of I-594 (gun responsibility / background checks) and consider a resolution on Social Security Vision 2025.
Here's the meeting agenda.
Meeting of Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The Hall at Fauntleroy
9131 California Avenue S.W.,
West Seattle, Washington
"All The Democracy You Can Handle"
Program and Business Meeting
7:00 PM - Agenda
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda, Minutes of last meeting, Treasurer's Report
7:10 - Chair's Report
First Vice-Chair's Report
Committee Reports
7:20 - Main program's focus is on $15 minimum wage. City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and Sage Wilson of Working Washington will join us.
8:00 - King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove
Followed by further possible endorsements and resolutions.
Old Business / New Business
PCO Appointments
Consider an endorsement of I-594 (gun responsibility / background checks)
Consider Resolution opposing Social Security Vision 2025 - see the text here (PDF)
Good of the Order
Adjourn to Elliott Bay Brewery