Maintenance scheduled for Ballard and University bridges this week Marine traffic will be restricted
Tue, 06/17/2014
Crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation will perform maintenance this week on the Ballard and University bridges affecting their availability to open for marine traffic.
Thursday, June 19: The centerlock motor on the Ballard Bridge will be replaced on June 19. The Coast Guard has granted a one hour extension of the morning closed period (for marine traffic) to 10 a.m. After 10 a.m., one span of the bridge may be opened, provided the bridge is given a one hour notice so that equipment and personnel can move safely off the bridge. All work should be finished no later than 4 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, June 20 and 21: Inspection of the University Bridge gear reducers, and replacement and flush of the oil, will take place over three weekends. The first is scheduled to start at 11 p.m. on Friday June 20, and finish about 6 a.m. on Saturday June 21. During this work, the bridge will only open one leaf. Openings will be delayed while personnel move to safe locations for the one-span opening.