LETTER: Metro buses are exceeding the speed limit
Fri, 07/11/2014
Dear Editor
i ride on Metro buses and have used my gps unit to see how much over the posted speed limits they are going on Alaska Way and the city streets here in west Seattle. i've been on the bus when it has gone 15 to 20mph over the posted speed limit. i've emailed Metro and the King County ex and it seems that they don't really care that these 60 foot long buses are speeding at all. When these buses are going down California ave sw at 40 plus mph at midnight when it is clearly a 30 mph street. Sometimes there are people tring to get into their cars and these drivers act as if that shouldn't be going on at this time of night.
There are 3 bars on California ave sw and i've seen drivers of metro buses almost hit them while they are trying to get into their cars.
i've seen these speeding metro drivers almost hit cars stopped at red lights because the metro driver was speeding and then the metro driver is honking the horn as the Metro passes the car stopped at a red light and making the left turn from the right lane cutting off the car stopped at the red light because the metro driver was speeding!!!!.
Metro doesn't seem to care about the safety of those their drivers are paid to drive and those that share the same streets as Metro drivers. it is just a matter of time before Metro and king county or one of the cities have a major crash because of this wreckless driving by metro drivers. The saddest part is Seattle pd officers don't seem to care about these drivers speeding and king county sherifs office don't seem to feel it is their problem nor does washington state patrol as i've called all 3 of these depts and they all stated it was king county metro that was in charge of making sure that metro drivers were not speeding!!!!!! to me this is king of like the fox watching over the hen house!!!!!
Michael Ford