City of Seattle looking to help shape the future of Delridge
Wed, 07/30/2014
information from the City of Seattle
The City of Seattle is beginning a collaboration to produce a shared vision and action plan to continue improving the health and equity of the Delridge community.
Delridge is a unique area of West Seattle and home to a rich heritage, diverse communities and organizations. Over the years, the people of Delridge have worked with the City to create neighborhood assets such as Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail, Cottage Grove Park and affordable housing options. These and many other additions to the neighborhood are the result of community activism and the neighborhood plan completed in 1999.
Fifteen years have passed since the Delridge community completed their neighborhood plan and there are new opportunities to seize. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Department of Neighborhoods (DON) are kicking off the planning effort by asking the community to identify its priorities at Delridge Day. What do you think about the future of Delridge? Here’s how you can provide your feedback:
Ø Visit our booth at Delridge Day to share your ideas about what is important in the Delridge Neighborhood.
August 9, 11:00am to 3:00 pm
Delridge Playfield/Park (4458 Delridge Way SW)
Ø Visit our website and sign up to receive updates
To date, the City has heard both a desire to work on specific issues and to generally build community capacity to take action. The following initial ideas are likely to expand or change as a result of what we hear at Delridge Day.
Create great neighborhood places
Take further action to encourage development that creates great community places at key locations along Delridge Way SW such as SW Brandon St. as identified in the neighborhood plan.
Inform the design for future street improvements along Delridge Way SW so that it fits with the community and provides the safe and efficient connections.
Assess issues and identify opportunities to address drainage and flooding.
Improve Community Well-being
Build on community work such as the Delridge Grocery Cooperative to increase access to healthy food.
Identify ways to build on Delridge’s parks, open space and natural assets, and make walking, biking and taking transit and easy choice.
Build Community Capacity to identify priorities and take action.
The City is also seeking applicants to serve on a project advisory committee for the North Delridge Action Plan. The committee will be a workgroup of community members who are passionate about the well-being of their whole community and understand the importance of engaging others in the neighborhood planning process. One of their first tasks will be to review what we hear from the community and set the direction for the planning work.
Questions? Comments?
David Goldberg, Planner
(206) 615-1447