Holman Road NW Paving Project Nears Completion
Wed, 10/01/2014
The Seattle Department of Transportation will install the last portion of striping for the Holman Road NW Paving Project this weekend. This work will take place between 7 AM and 5 PM on Friday, Oct. 3, with possible additional work on Saturday, Oct. 4, between 8 AM and 5 PM.
During this time, one lane of traffic will remain open in each direction of Holman Road NW between NW 87th Street and 8th Avenue NW. Crews will first close the center lanes of Holman Road and direct traffic to the outer lanes. Once striping is complete in the center lanes, the outer lanes will then be closed for striping and traffic will be directed to the center lanes.
This work is weather dependent. Local bus access will be maintained at 7th Avenue NW for King County Metro’s Route 28 and RapidRide D Line. For information on bus service, look for Rider Alert notices at bus stops, see Metro Online at http://metro.kingcounty.gov/alerts/ or call (206) 553-3000.
After striping is complete, crews will work on remaining electrical and landscape work. The project will be substantially complete by the end of October.
The Holman Road NW Paving Project aims to repave 1.3 miles of Holman Road NW from NW 87th Street to Greenwood Avenue N. In addition to paving, several pedestrian improvements were made including bus stop improvements, sidewalk repairs and a temporary Safe Routes to School improvement. Funding for this project comes from a Federal Surface Transportation Program preservation grant of $1.1 million. More information about the Holman Road NW Paving Project and Safe Routes to School can be found on the project web page: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/pave_holman.htm.