Want to help the White Center Food Bank this holiday season? Here's how
Wed, 11/19/2014
information from the White Center Food Bank
Here are some ways that you can get involved to be part of the solution to help feed hungry families at the holidays:
1) First and foremost, we rely upon your financial donations. Please consider giving to us (you can use the “Donate” button on our website http://www.whitecenterfoodbank.org , or send in a check, or come by to visit us in person!) to feed hungry families this season.
2) Please donate food! While usually we can purchase food below discount prices (stretching your donation even farther to feed more hungry people), did you know that at the holidays stores offer turkeys below wholesale prices?
Please consider donating a turkey or ingredients for a holiday dinner! Our building is open from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday, and we would gladly accept your donation here. Ask for a tour, and Kristina would be happy to show you around!
Fauntleroy Church (UCC) is holding a turkey drive on Sunday, November 23. Please visit them at http://www.fauntleroyucc.org/news.php for information, or bring them a frozen turkey from 9am to 12p on Sunday, November 23. Our Executive Director, Rick Jump, will have a refrigerated truck onsite and will deliver them back to the food bank that day for distribution before Thanksgiving. (Thank you, Fauntleroy UCC!)
The Roxbury Safeway is participating in Northwest Harvest’s “Hometown Harvest” and all food and financial donations at that location will go directly to the White Center Food Bank. (Thank you, Roxbury Safeway and Northwest Harvest!).
QFC is participating in Food Lifeline’s “Bringing Hope to the Table” program, which also directly benefits the White Center Food Bank. (Thank you, QFC and Food Lifeline!).
Albertson’s is collecting cash donations for holiday meals, and donations given at the 1st Ave. S & 128th location benefit the White Center Food Bank now through December 25. (Thank you, Albertson’s!)
Did you know that usually, the food bank can purchase food at prices below those available to the public, but that at the holidays stores discount turkeys below the prices available to us? Please consider buying an extra turkey for a family in need.
Chicken Friday
Chicken Friday Christmas is on December 12 at The Barrel in Burien, and all the proceeds benefit the White Center Food Bank.