LETTER: What schools really need
Mon, 12/08/2014
To the editor, Highline Times
The recent Highline Public Schools bond to build new schools and replace and repair deteriorating schools failed by a fraction of a percent needed to hit 60% for approval. However, I don't view this failure as a total loss. School officials like Mr. Spear acknowledges that a majority of voters do support the bond measure. And, because this measure was such a close shave (.73% away!), there is no reason a rerun would fail miserably. With that said, there are always
opportunities for improvement. Highline just put up a new community
outreach survey http://highlineschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&Modu…
in wake of the bond failure. Now is a good time to tell Highline what
your schools really need. Now is the time to challenge Highline to put
its students first and be good stewards to our community regardless of
where we live. This is Highline's "reassessment" of the standard
"Education;" we reevaluate. Awareness and action puts our schools in a
better position for all students to succeed.
Yours truly,
Bryan Ben Elsea
"Wolverine Aerial Support"
TEC ASB Vice President