Concrete restoration on Fauntleroy Way SW scheduled to start Monday
Wed, 01/07/2015
information from King County
Starting as early as Monday, January 12, crews will replace four concrete panels in the southbound curb lane of Fauntleroy Way SW in front of the Barton Pump Station construction site. This work will occur daily from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. until Friday, January 16. This work is weather dependent and may be postponed in inclement weather.
All lanes on Fauntleroy Way SW will remain open. Flaggers and a police officer will shift traffic to the east around concrete work during the day. Crews will use steel sheets to cover concrete work at night.
Keeping ferry traffic moving
King County has been working closely with Washington State Ferries throughout the project to ensure minimal disruption to traffic along Fauntleroy Way SW and to keep ferry traffic moving. Flaggers and a police officer will direct traffic on to the ferry dock. All ferry lanes will remain open during this work.
What to expect
· Concrete restoration work to occur January 12 - 16 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weather permitting
· Flaggers and police officer to direct traffic around work during the day.
· All ferry lanes to remain open.
· Steels sheets to cover concrete work at night.
· Noise and dust typical of a construction site.