Stairway Walks Day Feb. 7 features 3 here in West Seattle
Wed, 01/21/2015
information from Feet First
Feet First will be hosting the 3rd Annual Stairway Walks Day on Saturday, February 7th from 10 am -12 pm. This event features fourteen simultaneous walks across the region, which celebrate the legacy of several hundred publicly accessible stairways.
What: Stairway Walks Day 2015—Featuring fourteen unique stairway walks across the Puget Sound Region
When: Saturday, February 7, 2015, from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Fourteen walks in various neighborhoods throughout Seattle
RSVP: Space is limited to 35 people per walk.
Participants can RSVP in advance at or
Feet First Neighborhood Walking Ambassadors will lead450 participants along several of the region’s most impressive stairways, collectivelytraversing up and down more than 100,000 steps.The stairway routes featured on Stairway Walks Day are from Cathy and Jake Jaramillo’s book Seattle Stairway Walks: An Up-and-Down Guide to City Neighborhoods. The book is intended to help urban adventurers appreciate the manystairwaysthat make up the vivid fabric of our neighborhoods, and their connection to localgreenspaces, history, art,and architecture.
According to Neighborhood Walking Ambassador and author Cathy Jaramillo, “Seattle has a world-class network of more than 650 publicly accessible stairways, many well over 100 years old. Stairways make important walking connections to parks and transit, and they create scenic urban byways that are veryfun to explore. Stairways are a valuable built legacy for us to enjoy and preserve!”
Urban explorers are invited to join one of fourteen guided neighborhood walks in the following Seattle neighborhoods: Alki; Deadhorse Canyon & Rainier Beach; Downtown: City Hall to Pike Place; Eastlake, North Capitol Hill & Portage Bay; Fauntleroy & Morgan Junction; Fremont; Longfellow Creek & Pigeon Point; Madrona &Leschi; Mount Baker; Ravenna; South Magnolia; Southwest Queen Anne; The Olmstead Vision; University of Washington.
Feet First Executive Director Lisa Quinn said, “Stairways provide a great way to exercise,improve health,and get to know a neighborhood. Stairway Walks Day encouragespeople to explore the Puget Sound Region’s unique and beautiful neighborhoods by walking.”
For more information about Stairway Walks Day, please contact George Shenby emailing george@feetfirst.orgor calling 206-652-2310, ext. 4.