Mon, 01/26/2015
The Monday after the sensational Seahawks NFC Championship win, several radio stations chose to use the same word to describe this event. And the Seattle Times used this word as their giant front page headline: MIRACLE! Oh, really? This was not an event that contradicts scientific law or definitely not an act of God! This does not equate to Jesus turning water into wine. Using this perspective does not give the Seahawks players and coaches any credit for this unbelievable comeback and win, taking us into the Super Bowl, 2 years in a row. Jerry Brewer hit the nail on the head: ‘Improbable rally defines a Seattle team that never gives up’. BINGO. It was simply pure determination, absolute focus and blood and guts from this incredible team – with their diehard fans right with them for every step, blow, and pass. As Russell’s pass floated in the air, on its way into Jermaine’s hands, the fans knew already that the team that they loved so dearly was headed to the Super Bowl! By the way, does anyone have a link to Jesus (email, Twitter, cell#)? We will need lots more wine when the Seahawks win the Super Bowl again on Feb 1st.
David S.Gooding
Normandy Park