Not On Our Watch: StolenYouth Launches Campaign Against Child Trafficking in Seattle
Thu, 02/12/2015
Did you know that more than 500 youth are bought and sold in Seattle? Raising awareness is vital to inspiring action and ultimately ending the commercial sexual exploitation of minors. Stolen Youth’s #NotOnOurWatch campaign, launched February 3rd, 2015, aims to engage the community on the difficult topic of commercial sexual exploitation and highlight how each of us can be part of the solution.
Through its #NotOnOurWatch campaign, StolenYouth implores the Seattle community to come together and stand behind the rallying cry "Not On Our Watch" by sharing the message using that hashtag. You can participate by “liking” the Stolen Youth Facebook page: Watching and sharing the video on our web site: and tweeting about the campaign: #NotOnOurWatch.
Coinciding with Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention month in January, StolenYouth showed a sneak preview of its #NotOnOurWatch campaign at a Town Hall Seattle meeting on January 26th. The campaign leads up to StolenYouth’s Not on Our Watch annual fundraising luncheon, to be held Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at The Sheraton Seattle Hotel.
“Child trafficking is the human rights issue of our time. Stand with us in saying Not On Our Watch,” said Patty Fleischman, StolenYouth President. “The numbers of trafficked youth, even right here in Seattle, is staggering. But behind these figures are human beings, children even. Their stories are worth telling. Their freedom is deserved. The Not On Our Watch campaign is raising awareness as to how we, as individuals and a community, can work together to prevent sex trafficking of children and youth.”
The campaign features a series of videos created by Scott Galiher, Creative Director, with support from Seattle advertising agency DNA, directed by Sue Corcoran and production by Von Piglet Productions. Stolen Youth has also partnered with Clear Channel for outdoor billboards and posters. Radio spots and other public service announcements are also featured. Billboards and posters will be visible around King County beginning February 3rd and Clear Channel will air a 30 minute radio show and PSA’s several times during the campaign.
“No issue we touch is more horrific than modern slavery. The stories of loved ones lost to labor and sex trafficking are truly heartbreaking,” said Pam Guinn, president, Clear Channel Outdoor – Seattle, which has donated outdoor media space to the campaign.
“Billboards and other outdoor media are ideal for targeting specific audiences and for reaching people at scale, and we welcome our responsibility to use this power to help the people of Seattle and those in the other cities in which we operate. If we can help one person regain their freedom and dignity, and reunite them with their families, this campaign will be an enormous success,” Guinn added.
All campaign spots can be viewed at:
To learn more and get involved, visit