LETTER: Dear Council Members
Mon, 02/23/2015
As a resident of north Burien/Highline, I call upon the Burien City Council to secure continuous King County Library Services for the new White Center Library, the Boulevard Park Library and the current White Center Library, until replaced.
Inasmuch as the location of the new White Center Library places it within unincorporated King County and with the apparent intention of Seattle to annex that area, an agreement with KCLS as to the disposition of the assets and services of these libraries, now within Burien jurisdiction, needs to be established. All of Burien, especially those living in North Burien, have a right to expect the benefits of KCLS services that have been important to the well-being of nearby communities and have been supported continuously by a dedicated property tax.
In 2004, a Bond issue providing for the new Burien Library also included a new 10,000 sq. ft. library for White Center and upgrades to the Boulevard Park library. Any agreement with Seattle going forward needs to address the loss of any library assets to the City to Burien and to Burien taxpayers, who have been paying in good faith for the Bond promises.
In my view, the importance of a library is its physical manifestation of past, present and future aspirations of individuals and a community. It is the extension of learning opportunities from infancy to old age. It needs to be a safe, accessible, welcoming place for all. Its governance needs to be participatory, transparent, accountable and have stable financial support.
Thank you for your attention,
Rachael Levine
Burien, Wa 98168